
Friday, October 15, 2010

Diversion #2: Just a list...

October 15, 2010

Diversion #2 today and a quick post because I suddenly felt homesick:

I miss.........

  • Having good Korean food right around the corner
  • Big, wide streets
  • DRIVING [on the correct side ;)]
  • Authentic Mexican food / EL TAURINO'S
  • A P O (need I say more?) (website curtesy of my Little <3 )
  • Staying after exec meeting, not working when we should be working, "studying" (aka singing Disney songs), random trips to Wawa at 3am, being trapped in the APO Bubble and going to eat at random Thai restaurants, celebrating when it's not raining/dreary for once in Philly, throwing really bad surprise birthday parties, having email chains with big "meow" and "rawr", yelling at Omar/Christian.....(the list can go on forever)
  • Walking through the Penn Bookstore to get to class
  • Skipping class for various reasons ;)
  • Staying up literally all-night because of really good conversations
  • Studying at Meyerson until 5am (I hear it's been renovated? whattttt?)
  • ^ Going to McDonald's to get coffee at all hours of the night (I want coffee SO badly right now)
  • Walking down LOCUST WALK. I even miss flyering on it! Oh my...
  • Doing random things like: going to FroGro at 1am to buy a blender and make smoothies, going out for walks in the rain, making snowmen instead of studying...
  • Going out to BYO Dinners with the group!
There is so much more, but I'm stopping now because I really need to go read for tomorrow's seminar...

Although it is true that I miss Penn and home a lot, I know for a fact that when I go back, I'll be missing Cardiff like crazy. I guess this just goes hand-in-hand with my last entry (diversion #1)...

Clarification: I still really, really love it here. :) I'm SO thankful for SO many things right now, including all the people I've been blessed to meet here and all those that are back home, supporting me no matter what.