
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Diversion #3: BUT GOD.

November 16, 2010

"I Can Only Imagine" - Mercy Me

Sorry if you were expecting an entry about my adventures abroad, but I've been feeling extremely restless lately and just really needed to blog about this today.

This song is so powerful and so beautiful - it sets me right back to what matters the most, the beauty of the Cross and how absolutely amazing it would be when I finally come face-to-face with HIM.

It's always absolutely so amazing when God intervenes. I was walking back from a pleasant dinner with some friends today when God intervened. I had a rough day but a great dinner with friends - but the cold 30-minute walk back to my room got me down again, worried about my upcoming deadlines with papers and just annoyed with small things in life. A phrase kept popping up over and over again in my mind: "But God. But God. But God..."

Now that may sound really strange, but it comes from Ephesians 2:4-6: "But God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead through our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with him, and made us sit with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus..."

These verses come after Apostle Paul paints a gloomy picture of how we were dead in our sins, following the ways of the world and our sinful nature (Ephesians 2:1-3).  BUT GOD. This is important because... BUT GOD intervenes when we feel like we suck at life. He raises us up with Christ Jesus.  He breathes into us LIFE that is irreplaceable and indescribable to the world.

He did it when I first believed. And He does it over and over again. BUT GOD. Because of His love and His grace, He intervenes even when I collapse over and over again in my trespasses. He sits me up in the throne next to Jesus. He holds my hand and calms me down. He puts in me a song like "I Can Only Imagine" to remind me of how merciful He is and what I am living for.

Once again, I'm really sorry if you were expecting an update since I haven't in so long. You can just ignore this post...or...actually if you're still reading that means you made it this far and clearly haven't ignored it. If you don't know who He is yet - just give the song a listen. Ask me about it if you haven't. And know this: you know that empty feeling you get at the end of the day that you know can't be filled by love, friendship, good grades, good job, money, etcetc? HE is the ONLY thing that can satisfy. We were made to know His glory and His love for us.


Hopefully, I'll be able to update soon with day 28 soon!