
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Okay. Fail.

January 20, 2011

Yes, I totally failed at updating my blog.  I hope to at least have some journey pictures/stories up in the next few weeks, but with the busy-ness of Penn kicking in, it seems highly unlikely.

Oh Penn. How is it that I'm busier here in the first 2 weeks of classes that I *ever* was in Cardiff?

I forgot that the last week of all-nighters I pulled when I was in Cardiff for essays = every week at Penn.

The workload is back-breaking, and I already had two emotional breakdowns.  Classes started on January 12th.  It's been 8. days.  Someone please pray for me.

Of course, God never fails to set me straight:

"May all your expectations be frustrated
May all your plans be thwarted
May all your desires be withered into nothingness
that you may experience the powerlessness
and poverty of a child
and sing and dance
in the love of God
who IS
the Father
and Spirit"

Amen.  Taken from a blog that I have followed for a while now.  Sometimes, He strips everything away from us so that we can run back to Him to realize that HIS grace and HIS love are the ONLY THINGS that satisfy in this highly unpredictable world.