
Saturday, March 13, 2010

정리 - DONE

Coming into Spring Break, there were a couple of things I needed to "정리" in my life - mostly for my own mind's sake. 정리, in Korean, means to organize or figure out - it is very difficult to convey all the connotations that the Korean word has in English, but for now, this will have to do.

It seemed that as wonderful as this Spring semester of 2010 has been, a lot of things in my life were cluttered, or left undone; many things left unsaid that needed to be said, many complications that I just brushed off casually.

Well, all these things are very unlike me - I am usually the type of person that needs to see the end of things (I have a very hard time 'letting go' but once I 'let go' it's over as over can be) - and the fact that I had so many things not figured out was lurking in the back of my mind the entire semester, bothering me on those restless nights after an incredibly busy day.

So I took this week-long break to relax under the beautiful sun in the Pacific (the better coast) and contemplated. A lot.

Everything ranging from what I fail in doing in certain situations to all the unanswered calls and emails were taken care of; I also took a break from Digsby and my phone (for the most part) in order to sort uneasy feelings about friendships and relationships that had emerged in the last few weeks.

I always considered myself to be an open person, open to sharing about my emotions and what-not with friends and family. But I guess everyone has their share of secrets, and I am still largely grappling with trust issues.

I always thought it was because I could not trust people - and that was, in itself, the only issue.

But now I think that there is a bigger issue at hand - the root of this trust issue is not merely a trust issue, but a control thing.

On the surface, I am really not the control freak - and I am very far from being a perfectionist. That is, in group projects and in my own work (whether it be school work or a piano piece or baking), I am definitely not the person who needs 100% perfection to be pleased. But I guess internally, on a different level, I do have major control issues.

In my own mind, everything needs to be clear - whether it be relationships, friends, or the direction my career is going toward. I allocate certain degrees of motivation to each category that I am working on; that's where my "all-or-nothing" mentality takes its root.

Therefore, when things were left cluttered in my mind - with things going out of my control - with relationships emerging that I had not allocated certain levels of my attention and obligations that I half-heartedly engaged in, I was essentially going crazy.

In looking over all these thoughts, however, and realizing that I have this major control issue, I began to see the extent of my lack of trust in God.

Letting things be and "going with the flow" is one thing; realizing that the more I try to retain control of my life, I am actually causing it to slip away from my fingers is another.

Identifying this about myself is probably the best thing that has happened during this short one-week break. Now is the time for some extended reflections and prayer..