
Thursday, March 18, 2010


There are so many things to be thankful for, even when I'm at my worst.

I am realizing that more and more this semester - more like God is teaching me that more and more.

The past few days - the first few days since Spring Break - have been really odd for some reason. They have been characterized by various panic attacks as I obsessed over a paper and a midterm coming up on the same day; a friendly reminder that I was back at Penn, not at home where I had, for a week, pretended that responsibilities did not exist (on various levels, but academic being a huge part of it).

It's funny to think that it's only Wednesday (err, Thursday), and therefore it has been like, 3.5 days since I had come back - yet, I feel like I went through enough emotional Up's and Down's to last an entire semester.

But I think that things have changed a lot since last semester.

Namely, I found a group that resembles a lot of the high school friends I have back at home; friends I can laugh about stupid things with, stay up all night chatting with, and provide a support mechanism that is so needed in this kind of an environment.

Today, as I fluctuated between my modes, I found myself in friends' arms as much as I had on a typical day in high school.

There's nothing like the warmth that a good hug brings. And I am so, so thankful to have so many good huggers in my life.

Another point of reflection: I really, really need to learn to love people, even at their worst.