
Friday, March 26, 2010


Spring must be coming.

I had noticed the emergence of flowers earlier this week on the road that I always take to go from my room to the Quad, where I work (37th street). But it wasn't until today that I noticed how exactly how many had sprung up - I was greeted by entire rows of white, yellow and pink flowers on my way back to my room today, and it made me smile much more than flowers had ever done before.

I guess this is part of living the East Coast life. Learning to appreciate flowers after such a dreary dark winter. Learning to love the white piles of snow, despite the insane coldness that strikes at your core.

In LA, flowers are everywhere, 365 days of the year, by default. So even though they are there, looking pretty all the time, people don't really pause to appreciate them. Or at least I never did.

Now, "spring" has a really different meaning for me. It means that enduring through the long winter ultimately has a reward, and life does go through these cycles that ultimately lead back to rebirth and growth.

Although it is typically said that the seasonal cycle begins in the spring and ends in the winter, I would like to think that it begins in the summer and that it ends in the spring - just so that the result is happiness, not the other way around. After all, it is a circle, right?

I am really hoping that spring will bring some spring into my own life; beneath it all, there is a hollowness that is waiting to be filled.