
Monday, April 5, 2010

Thinking back...

In the onset of Easter having been today (technically yesterday), I have been thinking lately a lot of how grateful I am for all that God has provided for me this semester.

Since I have such a short-term memory and I will forget so many things if I do not write it down, here I go, with a random list of things I am so blessed with.
  • Being at Penn, as much as I used to hate it. It has granted me so many opportunities previously unheard of in my life.
  • The "group" that has developed in my life that greatly represents the role Acadeca used to serve in high school.
  • The very fact that I was able to walk into a church and celebrate Easter freely.
  • Midnight walks with friends.
  • Spontaneous moments in the middle of the night (smoothies, anyone? Pumpkins?)
  • Texts in the middle of the day/night that make me laugh. like crazy.
  • Late-night chats with various. :)
  • ^Having someone that yells at me for having friends over late ("Gosh I feel like your dad or something") =)
  • Sharing music. And lots of laughter.
  • Being able to organize events like the Big/Little Tie-Dye. Such a blessing to have such an opportunity.
  • Being able to write colorful e-mails to send to the APO listserv ;)
  • Being able to double major in completely different fields.
  • Having people around the clock to talk to, to study with.
  • Coffee breaks <3 with lovelies.
  • APO Fambam, because they changed literally everything this semester for me.
  • Ridiculously long conversations on Facebook photos/statuses that keep me up late at night, procrastinating, but provide the smiles that are really needed sometimes.
And the list probably can go on forever. Life is really filled with the small things that make you smile :) And I really hope to strive to appreciate every single moment God provides in my life.