
Monday, May 24, 2010

Because of you

Sometimes, I wish that things were different so that on a night like tonight, I can just pick up the phone and call you. Just to say "hey, how's life?" - to see what you are up to, to laugh about the memories, to show you how mature I've gotten since the last time we talked, to get into a silly argument with you that clearly shows that I still have a long way to go.

Sometimes, I wish that I hadn't been so black-and-white on the situation. I wish I hadn't pretended that I didn't care when I clearly did.

Does this mean that I regret my actions? Nope. I don't believe in regrets.
Is it too late for us to be friends? Probably not.
Do I want to open up a line of communication between us? At this point, yes.
What then, is stopping me from picking up the phone and calling you right now? I don't know.

For a while, because of bitterness or what-not, I tried really hard not to care. But now ironically, I feel bad that I have stopped caring so much. I don't know if it's the fact that it's you, or the fact that I have essentially shunned a person that used to mean so much in my life, but I would like to reintroduce me to you.

So much has changed since then - and so much has still changed since the last time we spoke.

It's funny how due to my terrible memory and my "over-moving-on" problem, I can't even remember what spending time with you is like - I can't remember what kind of lifestyle I enjoyed with you being a constant factor or even much of your personality despite the fact that I knew you at such an intimate level for almost a year.

But there's something in me that still wants to preserve the little memories that I can remember from that era in my life. Maybe it's just because looking back upon it now, it's all so faded and vague that I am curious what it actually was like.

Or maybe I just have too much time in my hands right now and am thinking way too much...