
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

N O | C O N T R O L

September 21, 2010

Ever so often, I look back upon my past entries on this blog. It helps me to refocus - to see how far I've come.

I came across this particular entry which made me laugh.

Isn't it really awesome when you think that you have something completely figured out only to have life throw you something completely different?

I wrote that particular entry nearing the end of spring break, thinking that I had regained the control I so desperately sought. By the end of the semester, the little control that I had over the situation was completely lost and I was at His hands, crying out for mercy again.

I love it when I try to trick God and myself into believing something only to have Him stop and shake His head at me.

Ironically, right now I am in the complete opposite situation as that blog entry. I have absolutely no idea what's going to happen during my time abroad in Wales. I don't know how my first day is going to turn out, the characteristics of my flatmates, my class schedule, where the shopping market is, how I am going to eat, what the campus looks like. I have been extremely worried and anxious the past week rather than excited. But now that I'm reflecting on everything that happened in the past two years at Penn, I can't wait to see what God in store for me in Wales. May new relationships flourish, new sights seen, and new knowledge gained! :)

I am so proud of myself that I was able to reduce my luggage to just barely this:

Yay for pink luggages!
Isn't that ridiculous? Compared to what I brought to Penn during my freshman year, this is nothing! I don't know how I am going to survive without 4-other-suitcases worth of stuff in the 3 months I'll be at Wales. I just hope I won't have an extra luggage to bring back home when I am done!