
Thursday, February 18, 2010


This year I will...
  • try my best at everything.
  • smile a little more each day.
  • try to be more genuine.
  • be more proactive in my relationship with God.
  • eat more healthy.
  • love everyone a little more. (this means I will appreciate my parents more than I do now; I will love my best friends more; I will be more lenient and patient toward those who I find - for the lack of a better word - annoying.)
  • listen more.
  • be not so afraid to let someone - seriously - enter my heart.

I cannot recall the last time I made New Year's Resolutions. I stopped doing them when I was little because I thought they were pointless. I am still not a big fan of New Year's Resolutions because I think that we should strive to achieve better things and advance ourselves a little more every day. Tonight, however, I felt convicted to write these thoughts down. I don't think of this list as resolutions, however...they are more like promises to myself and to God.

Although I seriously lack the characteristic of being introspective, I think this list will guide me into the right direction :)