
Wednesday, January 13, 2010



Which is totally to be expected, especially because of my odd sleeping habits back in LA. Having normally slept around 4:30am west coast time, it should not come as surprise that despite being exhausted after a day of traveling and moving in, I am still having trouble sleeping.

It is currently 3am here - 6 hours until my alarm is scheduled to ring; 7 hours until my first class of the semester.

My new room (no more mice! *knock on wood*) is in a complete disarray right now - things I hastily took out of my backpack are lying all around the room, and it is impossible to walk around without tripping on an open suitcase. Nevertheless, I am quite excited to start off this semester fresh in this cozy room with lots and lots of space. I hope that I settle in soon and decorate the place so it can have more of an "Elisa" feel to it (which means lots of pinkness is on its way!)

It goes without saying that I miss LA already (the weather in Philly completely sucks), but in a strange way, I find myself excited to become ridiculously busy again. Things are looking to start with a big bang tomorrow - (3 hours of class back-to-back, a 2 hour break, an hour and a half class, then 2 hours of work), and I would much rather be asleep right now.

Yawn. Here is to trying again...