
Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Trip to Memory Lane

<- Corsage from my Senior Prom (2008)

Something about Prom still makes me feel all giddy inside. Although I went to two proms (one in 2007, when I was a Junior because I had a boyfriend who was a Senior and my own in 2008), the latter one remains much more special to me. Although due to my terrible memory, I cannot remember much from either night (I was intending to use the word unforgettable but realized it does not quite apply), they each had a charm to them. The first prom in 2007 was fun in that the boyfriend at the time and I were cutesy and all, but my own prom in 2008 was quite a "high school senior" moment, where we suddenly realized that graduation was soon approaching.

Tonight, in the midst of writing my personal statement for study abroad, I began to look through my high school photo albums and ended up dwelling quite a bit on my senior prom pictures. Having taken a very good friend of mine since middle school as my date, I had a good time with him and my best guy friend - the three of us got on surprisingly well, I remember, and we were dancing with a group of friends that only high school could have created.

Looking through the pictures, I realized how gorgeous everyone had looked and how for some reason we had all obsessed ourselves with taking pictures with everybody (therefore, I have a collection of pictures with people that never would have been brought up in my memory tonight otherwise). I smile now at the various moments on the dance floor that remain special to me: the slightly awkward slow dance, the collaboration of P&B with me, the fun moments with P to the widely popular-then song "Low". There's something about the innocence that prevailed throughout the moments that captures me still now, even though I know now that it was foolish for us to think we were so grown up back then.

Although high school in general has such a big, fond part of my heart, senior year was, by far, one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I remember treasuring many, many moments, aside from prom. And these memories are the ones that help me get through when I feel like too much pressure is on my shoulders, when my motivation to continue needs a little boost. Cheers to you, 2008 - because you not only made so many things happen, but continue to make things happen today.