
Sunday, January 10, 2010


"A friend is someone who sings your heart's song
back to you when you have forgotten the words."
- David Coppola

As corny as this might sound, after all these years, I do not know if he knows how special he is to me.

We met as puberty-stricken teenagers, during those awkward years when both of us were going through a state of confusion; now, as we are hitting the end of our adolescent years, I look back on the journey we had taken together despite the physical distance that existed between us for the majority of the time.

There was just something about him that had captured my interest since...our first few encounters. I remember the first day we had spoken - Valentine's Day, in fact - because of the odd nature of our conversation [something to do with some project we were forced to do in commemoration of V-day], and it was not long before we became close. It did not take much longer for me to develop a childish crush on him. As I grew to know him more and more, year after year, his presence grew bigger and bigger in my life until the point when we separated into our own ways, and the feelings transformed into something else (and to this point, I am not quite sure what it exactly is).

Now that I reflect back on those confusing moments, I can, with firm belief, state that the feelings were mutual, although neither of us had ever expressed it in words. There are some things in life that you just know, and I believe that this is one of them.

He was the "first" of many for me: the first true male friend I had, the subject of first love-like feelings, the first spiritual relationship I shared, the first person to introduce me to His love.

For a while, our relationship was so full of vigor and excitement, rapidly climbing the mountain of feelings - to the point where it stood on fragile grounds, and both of us had to be extremely careful lest we ruin what we had developed. After years passed however, I looked back at one point and realized that our relationship had grown into something so much bigger. In a very odd way, as we individually matured, so did our relationship with one another; now, our friendship is defined by a strange, deep serene connection that is inexpressible in words (and incomprehensible to others).

As we grew up and went through a number of significant others (on both ends), there still existed (and still today exists) some weird childish feelings(?) that prevailed (still prevails). I get a weird tingly feeling when I see him nowadays, but it is more due to the complex history we share more than any the typical ones of "love".

And as David Coppola states, he has truly become the person who can lead me to regain myself during those moments when I am so close to losing it. Just hearing his voice makes everything different - but I think our connection has reached such a level that just merely thinking about him, and all our precious memories, is enough to bring the passion back into my heart.